roof truss
structural analysis of a bungalow
The assignment is divided into two parts, first part should be done in a group while the second part is an individual work.
Part 1 – 15% (Group components)
Working in a group of 3 members, each group is to design a 2 storey bungalow which consist of the following components:
1 master bedroom with attached bathroom
Minimum 3 bedrooms
2 bathrooms
Living hall
Dining area
1 store room.
The building layout should be a combination of building outline shown in category A and B attached. Next, students are required to carry out structural framing for the building (to design the skeleton of the structural).
Part 2 – 25% (Individual components)
Each student is required to:
To analysis minimum 6 beams (each beam must subject to different types of load, i.e. UDL from one or more than one slabs, beam with point load(s) or combination of UDL and PL)
To analysis minimum 3 columns (from roof to foundation level)