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The first part of building construction modules intends to develop the understanding of the principles and practices of construction technology in relation to site, plants, soil mechanics, building envelope, and building components "below ground", basement and foundation; "on ground", floor and staircase, beam and column, wall and opening and "above ground", roof and ceiling.


1. Project 1: Experiencing Construction

2. Project 2: Integrated Construction Deatil and Specification

Project 1 : Experiencing Construction


This project aims to expose and introduce students to various construction elements. It also intends to enhance the understanding of principles of construction, sequence of construction activities, importance of basic detailing, construction joints and material application through real life projects. It also creates an opportunity to study the relationship between site and construction method.


We were required to produce a complete documentation with pictures, sketches and drawing and an analysis of construction elements by selecting an ongoing construction site which visibly demonstrates most of the topics covered in the syllabus. 



Building Construction (ARC 1523)

Integrated Construction Detail and Specification


A continuation of the first project, this project is an integrated project where it involves construction detailing solution for Project 2B in Architectural Studio 2. This project is designed to allow the demonstration of knowledge and understanding of construction and application from prior project. It emphasis in producting related manual construction drawings for steel and/or timber detail and specification. I've chosen timber as my structure in this project.




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